Training to live by.

Tag Archives: children

Happy Labor Day!

Well…it’s official. Regardless of what the thermometer might read, the summer is just about over. And that means the kids are back at school and it’s a perfect time for you and your dog to be back in school too!

Whether or not you have children of your own, nieces or nephews, or kids of friends that are in your life, it is important to know how to best support your dog while around children. A wonderful relationship between kids and dogs can be facilitated by knowing what your dog is saying when interacting with kids, while teaching kids how to respectfully and safely interact with your dog.

I don’t yet have children of my own, but I made sure to introduce my dogs to children at a young age simply because kids are everywhere. It’s a wonderful thing to see Tricky just light up at the sound of children laughing–her whole body wiggles as she orients to that sound. At the same time, I don’t take her liking of children for granted. I make sure the kids greet her appropriately and listen to her communication. I want to do everything possible to make sure that Tricky keeps on liking children. In addition, I make certain the kids are learning from the experience by explaining what Tricky’s body language is saying, so the kids can use this knowledge to help them when they meet other dogs.

There are so many dogs, especially small breeds and sized-dogs that develop handling issues and sometimes fear of children, simply because kids do not understand how to respectfully interact with them. Many of the calls I receive as a behavior consultant are to help the family dog learn to like the kids in the family again. Sometimes I’ve had to work with rescue dogs that have to learn hands are safe. From the dog’s perspective, hands reaching to them are scary.

Dr. Sophia Yin has created  posters to illustrate ways that children should and should not interact with dogs. The poster is a very helpful visual aid for kids and I recommend all parents and school teachers post it on their wall. Enjoy and encourage safe handling and communication!



For links to be able to print these posters:

SY HowToInteract poster Proof3

SY HowToInteract poster Proof3

Clarity & Harmony…a better way of living with your dog.